View Part One of the Interview HERE...
You are also working with Kane Kosugi, son of legendary cinematic Ninja Sho Kosugi on the film. How would you describe working with him?
SA: That man is incredible and an absolute joy to work with, I honestly hope to work with him again as soon as possible. He should be a bigger star than he is and I can't understand why he's not. He's a good actor, really good looking, great physique and one of the best screen fighters I have ever worked with, probably THE BEST. I really want us to share equal screen time in a film together, something like Assassination Games but with more action, that would be immense! He's great in this film and we were very lucky to have him.
You also get to have a few moments showing your lighter side, reunited with Mika who plays your love interest. What do you find harder to portray, the kick-ass action side or the sensitive romantic side on screen and why?
SA: I've had more success playing the anti-hero in the past but I'm happy to be romantic when possible and it's something I'd like to do more of in the future... and yes I do enjoy it, I enjoy all sides of acting but the fact is that people expect a certain something from me and most the time I like to deliver that.
How would you describe Ninja 2 to the potential viewer?
SA: Full on old school martial arts revenge flick with non-stop action!
The film got premiered to a very strong positive response this summer, do you find it frustrating that too often films like this don’t get a chance to play before an audience? Do you think that takes away from the experience?
SA: It’s great to do the festival circuit with films like this but I don't think watching it at home will spoil your experience... the real problem is the piracy and I really would hope that people that enjoy these types of films. Let's be honest, we don't get that many anymore. I hope they support it by buying it on whatever platform when they get the chance because it is getting harder and harder to finance these films because they make no money. If you want Undisputed 4 then you'd better make sure you support Ninja 2.
Do you think a lot people don’t realise the effect that piracy has on these movies?
SA: I think people think that we are all millionaires and that they are somehow sticking it to the man in his Hollywood ivory tower by downloading for free... but the truth is that guy will stay in his ivory tower and continue making loads of money and the hardworking actors and crew and their families around the world will suffer and ultimately we will be left with huge summer superhero movies and there will be no independent alternative titles to choose from. It will be remakes, superheroes and horror films.
Scott, you’ve got a number of projects just been released or coming out soon, can we get a quick soundbite about each?
Let's start with... Green Street Hooligans: Underground
SA: Gritty British film about hooligans taking the fight underground in more of a fight club style revenge flick. It's actually the first 'British' film I've ever made and I'm really happy with the result. It went in at number 6 in the UK charts and has done really well. British films are notoriously low budget but I'm very proud of what we achieved on a small budget and the director James Nunn is great!
SA: Family adventure film about a group of zoologists looking for a mythological dragon in China. It was a nice change of pace for me to just act and play a completely different type of character, gave my knee time to heal also.
'Hercules' for director Renny Harlin, with Kellen Lutz
SA: Another opportunity for me to stretch as an actor and I loved working with Renny Harlin, he's great!! The whole cast was great to be honest, big fan of Liam McIntyre in Spartacus. I haven't seen the film yet but it's has a lot of romance and action. I'm really excited to see the finished product and had loads of fun playing the evil King Amphitryon, it's good fun being bad.
...and, of course, Wolf/War Wolf that sees you back in action with a Hong Kong crew, battling Wu Jing who also served as director on the film.
SA: Wu Jing is one of the best martial arts action guys out there and this film is his baby, he's been working on it for quite some time and I was happy to come out and work with someone who I really respect as a martial artist and a person. I'm the villain again and I just hope the Chinese people forgive me for playing this character as he's quite dismissive of the Chinese and their ability in modern warfare. I get to go toe to toe with Wu Jing in the final act so it's a must see!!
There’s been talk of another Undisputed movie, which would see you reprising the role of Uri Boyka, the most complete fighter in the world. Any thoughts on what the story for that movie should be? And why do you think Boyka has had such an impact on people, when you first played the role did you have any idea of how identifiable the character would become with you?
SA: David White is writing the script right now, and we are trying to all agree on the direction the film should take, I'm very protective of the character, it's clear how much love he has from the fans so I want to take him in the right direction because I think the character is so appealing that we can do many more films about him but we have to play it right on this next one. We all want it to work! I think Boyka's so popular because he's the guy that you wish you could be sometimes, the guy that doesn't take any shit from anyone but he also has a strong sense of honour, he was never just a straight up villain, thats why we've been able to make him the lead of film number three. He's a straight up Alpha male that would sooner hit you than ask you to be quiet, he's not your usual hero and I think thats what appeals to people, he's edgy. He's the Wolverine of martial arts movies and if I have it my way he will be here to stay.
Will we ever see a Scott Adkins directed film? Is that something you’d be interested in doing? And if so, what would be the ideal 'Scott Adkins movie'?
SA: Definitely... I can certainly see myself trying it in the future but I would need the right support around me. I have a project that I've been working on for some time, something I've wanted to make since I was 14 actually... but I don't think I will direct... but it's definitely a 'Scott Adkins film', it's my baby but directing and starring is a huge commitment.