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Singer teases 'Apocalypse' Soon.

Written by (Editor) on 6th December 2013

Those Days of Future Past haven't even passed yet, but already there's news of Bryan Singer's next X-Outing for 2016...

Apcalypse for next X-Men movie?Though we're still a fair distance away from Bryan Singer's next X-Men outing 'Days of Future Past', it appears that Fox and Singer will continue to work together on the franchise even after that 2014 release. Given he predicted success of the much-anticipated release - and the need to keep continuing a certain amount of rivalry with Marvel Studios who are producing their own films from te comic universe's back-catalogue - the X-Men franchise will be coming back in 2016 when Singer promises 'Apocalypse'.

Now presuming that this isn't just a quickly-selected word for 'great-big-CGI-destruction-sequences', we could well be seeing one of the major players of the X-Men universe reering his ugly blue head. Apcoalypse is a man/monster/almost God-like being who believes that mutants are the natural inheritors of the world, but also beleives that only the strongest among them are worthy of survival. Alive for centuries, he is (and was) revealed to have played a part in many hisorical events wihin the Marvel universe.

Beyond that enigmatic word, we know every little, apart from the fact the release date appears scheduled, according to exhibitors and industry chatter, for May 27th 2016...  we're not even completely sure Singer will be at the helm (though it's likely given he himself announced the project) but will the director plant some seeds of the concept in Days of Future Past?

Only time will tell. 

Written By

John Mosby


John Mosby

Born at a early age, creative writing and artwork seemed to be in John’s blood from the start Even before leaving school he was a runner up in the classic Jackanory Writing Competition and began...

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