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BBFC Finds Bug Repellant

The sequel to the uber-controversial The Human Centipede: The First Sequence has been refused a DVD certificate in the UK by the BBFC...

8 June 2011

Not only has the certificate been refused, in a rare move the board has also said they will not grant a certificate WHATEVER cuts are made to the film . The first movie received huge notoriety in its ‘torture-porn’ story of a mad scientist who grafts his victims together - face to rear-end - so they share one digestive system. (Can we have a collective ewwwwww’?)

Director/writer Tom Six has hit out at the decision and criticised the board for citing and highlighting key plot points within ‘The Full Sequence’ (concerning a man who finds the original DVD and decides to reproduce it for his own sexual gratification) that they didn’t find permissible - one apparently including sequences with sandpaper and genitalia. He claims that the public should be able to judge for themselves what should be on screen. However the BBFC is standing by their decision.

"There is little attempt to portray any of the victims in the film as anything other than objects to be brutalised, degraded and mutilated for the amusement and arousal of the central character, as well as for the pleasure of the audience," the BBFC said in a statement.

Ironically the decision may actually create publicity for a DVD-bound film that many feel would probably have not achieved much without deliberately courting controversy to begin with.