Videos / Film
Rickman & Mirren 'Eye' military thriller...
23rd January: The late Alan Rickman will appear in one of his final projects - alongside Helen Mirren and Aaron Paul in the timely warzone thriller 'Eye in the Sky'...
Videos / Film
Finally: Suicide Squad - a trailer to die for..?
21st January: They're coming to your screen with a few days to kill. If you can't wait until August, here's the supervillain-powered 'Suicide Squad' trailer to die for...
Videos / Film
Abrams bunkers down for new 'Cloverfield'...
15th January: A long-awaited sequel to Cloverfield. Wait. Long-awaited? Sequel? Cloverfield? What? '10 Cloverfield Lane' is set for an imminent release...
Videos / Film
Clooney and Co. show us the 'Money'...
13th January: Money (Monster) makes the world go around, but the buck stops here for a timely hostage thriller starring George Clooney, Julia Roberts due in May...
Videos / Television
'Rush Hour' marches onwards in 2016...
12th January: The 'Rush Hour' franchise moves from the multiplex to the television screen this March. Here's a preview of what to expect from the reboot...
Videos / Television
D'oh! Homer's odyssey through 80s action!
8th January: It looks like the 1980s are all-new again as the Simpsons' present a montage tribute to the era and its action tv shows in this weekend's episode...
Videos / Film
Teasing the next state of 'Independence'...
13th December 2015: There will be a new state of 'Independence' when the famous 1996 Emmerich/Devlin blockbuster finally gets its cosmic sequel next year...
Videos / Film
'Grimsby' oop north for Cohen, Strong & Adkins...
11th December 2015: Is the world ready? Sacha Baron Cohen, Mark Strong and Scott Adkins all appear together in the action comedy Grimsby. Spectacular, innit?
Videos / Film
X-Men gets 'Apocalyptic' trailer...
11th December 2015: It's one of the most resilient of the superhero franchises and next year sees the X-Men facing down a threat of (literally) Biblical proportions...
Videos / Film
Tarzan to swing into cinemas in 2016...
9th December 2015: The story of Tarzan is a familiar one. Will Warner Bros.' star-studded and CGI-filled latest telling, out next year, measure up as a classic or not?
Videos / Film
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Epic Trailer...
7th December 2015: 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' was a landmark film for both East and West cinema - and 2016 gives us a sequel. Here's a first look at what to expect...
Videos / Film
Bat, Supes and Wonder Woman face new 'Dawn'...
4th December 2015: It's another dark night as we get a closer look at next year's big-screen team-up between Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman...