With its spin-off ‘Class‘ due soon, filming is now complete on Doctor Who‘s traditional Christmas Special. It looks rather super and heroic…
Two new teaser videos have ‘Vworped’ their way onto Earth’s screens today.
We get a first proper look at the tone of Doctor Who spin-off, ‘Class‘ which takes place at the Coal Hill Academy – a contemporary update of one of the very first locations of the show used in 1963. The series, due to begin screening later this month, will feature an appearance by Peter Capaldi in its first episode (though he won’t be a regular cast-member) and will show what happens when even the Doctor can’t be everywhere to save everyone at the same time…
We don’t know a lot about the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Day special – now a firm part of the viewing calendar – but we do have some news. Firstly the title is now confirmed as ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio‘ and will see the Time Lord involved with what appears to be an American superhero, played by Shameless / Dragonball: Evolution star Justin Chatwin, helping him out with his latest adventure. Naturally, this being the show that it is, there’ll be more to it than that (expects dollops of humour, attack-eyebrows and some bittersweet elements in there too). Matt Lucas’ Nardole will also reappear and may continue over into the tenth run of the revived series.
The hero in question has a ‘G’ on his chest (rather than ‘M’ for Mysterio) and the Doctor comes from Gallifrey, so it appears the two G-Men might be taking on the titular villain?
Here’s a look at some scenes we can expect and some behind-the-scenes antics…