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Jack Ryan's spy takes head-shots...

Written by (Editor) on 28th November 2013

Jack Ryan will be reporting for action duty once again in 'Shadow Recruit', but the new poster should possibly be disavowed...

Chris Pine is Jack RyanNext year will see a reboot for the Jack Ryan franchises, a franchise which - to be fair - seems to have more reboots than a wellington factory. The character of Ryan, created by Tom Clancy has been played by the likes of Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck, but for the 2014 outing the title role (in a film simply called 'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit') will be taken by Star Trek's Chris Pine.  His wife Cathy will be played by Keira Knightley, his mentor William Harper played by Kevin Costner  with Kenneth Branagh playing the big bad guy and assuming double-time as the film's director. 

A rather moody teaser poster debuted a few months ago, but now a new international poster has appeared. Annnnnd, well, we have to say it's fairly generic in every respect - a prime candidate for the 'uninspired' category discussed in a recent Critical Mass column HERE. We're told by those close to the film that there's a gritty tone, somewhat akin to the Jason Bourne films - but the new imagery feels very basic and photoshopped shiny - telling us nothing about the film other than it's got a bunch of A-Listers in there and that their head-shots were grafted onto to the poster shot.

We think Jack Ryan's going to be an interesting outing when it debuts - most of the films in the franchise have their own merits -  and we're very much looking forward to it... but the new poster itself is more like a collective disappointment than the sum of all fears...

Compare the posters below...

Jack Ryan posters

Written By

John Mosby


John Mosby

Born at a early age, creative writing and artwork seemed to be in John’s blood from the start Even before leaving school he was a runner up in the classic Jackanory Writing Competition and began...

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