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Buffy Back - Still Grave Concerns

12th December 2010

More information unearthed on Slayer revival...

Further to the 'WHYYYYYY?' news that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is to be remade into a feature film, but without any involvement from Joss Whedon or his TV show talent, comes further news that seems unlikely to make anyone rest more easily.  It seems that after Whedon was approached  by  Warners and Fran Rubel Kuzui and her husband, Kaz Kuzui of Kazui Enterprises, who actually own the rights - (and quickly) passed on any involvement in th project  -  the decision has been made to also take the titular character out of her High School environment and will now be a recent college graduate, aged about 23.

The Buffy franchise began with the film starring Kristy Swanson and Rutger Hauer but after very middling box-office, finally took off as the long running WB/UPN sries starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (pictured) , Tony Head, Alyson Hannigan and James Marsters.  After the show (and its spin-off Angel) finished there had been much talk of TV movies featuring favourite characters from the series, but these never transpired - though Whedon has been involved in the Dark Horse comics continuations.

Scuttlebutt concerning casting is understandbly vague with no clear finished script in existence as yet, though Whit Anderson (Yes Man) is currently at work on one and Next Movie suggested Heather Morris (who plays Brittany on Glee) is in the running. Warners denied the news. At this point, all such casting news should be taken with a dose of salt and garlic.   

One suspects this project is destined to be the Chosen One for an uphill struggle.

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