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Angels Fear to Tread

14th October 2011

The people who brought back the 1970s show about Angelic detectives have been left feeling a bunch of Charlies - as the show is cancelled...

As Impact warned you about in its latest issue, the remake of Charlie's Angels was hardly the most awe-inspiring addition to the new TV schedules. However after the success of last year's Hawaii 5-0 relaunch, no-one wanted to truly count it out until they saw the ratings.  As we could (and did) predict, those ratings proved to be its downfall with some miserable numbers for its' first four episodes. With four more episodes completed but not shown, it is not known when (or if) they will see the light of day, but the Angels have been 'raptured' out of the screening schedules.

The fourth episode did see a slight upturn, possibly due to the appearance of Smallville's Erica Durance (who played Lois Lane) in a guest role, but it was still not enough to save the series which had largely been critically mauled. The show had had problems even before airing with Robert Wagner dropping out of his role as the unseen but regularly heard 'Charlie' - he was replaced within days of due broadcast by Alias' Victor Garber.

So far it is the comedy shows that have seen the sharpest end of the schedule cleaver, however networks will be keeping an eye on their newer shows and assessing their performances between now and Christmas. Several shows stand ready in the wings (Alcatraz, Touch etc) that have strong word of mouth and are simply looking for the right early 2012 slot.

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