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Angels: No Fear to Retread?

As many old-time shows are being considered for a 'reboot', US network ABC has agreed to move forward with a new version of Charlie's Angels...

15 January 2011

Though a remake of The Rockford Files appears to have been sidetracked, there's better news for the show that gave Farrah-Fawcett Majors and Demi Moore career-boosts in different eras. American network ABC has now formally picked up the Charlie's Angels pilot for a proposed television version.   This latest remake actually comes as part of a deal between Sony Pictures TV and Drew Barrymore's company, Flower Films, which was the major force behind the two recent movie outings starring Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu.

The new series would be set in Miami with a 'modern take' on the concept - with Alfred Gough and Miles Miller penning the pilot script. There's no news on casting, though John Forsythe, who voiced the key role of  the never-quite-seen Charlie in all  previous incarnations, passed away last year and so a central task would be to cast a solid, distinctve voice for the Angels' boss...

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