Home > Books & Comics > Super Bowl 2016: Hulk Vs. Antman is the ‘real thing’?

Super Bowl 2016: Hulk Vs. Antman is the ‘real thing’?

Our next look at the great commercials of this year is another entry. But this time it’s not for a ‘movie’ so much as that famous brand of cola…

After the Captain America: Civil War , it seems can have some fun at each other’s expense and the resulting fisticuffs isn’t so dark and gloomy.

The latest Marvel advert unites two different strands of the cinematic Marvel Universe to tell us that both the Hulk and Ant-Man like a drop of Coca-Cola. When Scott Lang steals Bruce Banner’s can from the fridge and gets caught in the act – well, all hell breaks loose as the giant green monster attempts to retrieve his beverage from the pint-size thief…

UPDATE:   This is probably the reality of the situation, though….


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