Joss Whedon has stepped in to finish editing duties on Warner Bros.’/DC’s upcoming ‘Justice League‘ as Zack Snyder steps back because of a family tragedy…
Whedon, of course, helmed Marvel’s Avengers but has struck up a relationship with Warner Bros./DC resulting in the recent announcement that he will direct a Batgirl movie.
It is believed that as well as editing duties, Whedon may be shooting some extra scenes to help the movie’s flow – the possibly troubled screenplay has been the subject of many rumours and debate, bearing in mind it finished its main shoot so long ago. Snyder had apparently planned to shoot some brief additional material itself, but this will now be handled by Joss in line with the apparent tone already established. However, at this point, the film remains on target for its 17th November release date.
Everyone at Impact sends the Snyder family our best wishes at this difficult time.