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Prince Charles is ready to rumble...

Written by (Far Eastern Editor) on 18th February 2014

An all-night orgy of martial arts movie madness on the big screen is about to take place at London's Prince Charles Cinema...

Martial Arts at the Prince CharlesIf you're a fan of martial arts movie madness like we are, then you should be heading to London's home of cult cinema, the Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square on the evening of Saturday the 22nd March.

Starting from 9:00pm,working with VIVA VHS,  they have pulled together a veritable feast of classic cut martial arts cinema which includes the only Motown martial arts movie, Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon starring Taimak as Bruce Leeroy! Bruce must battle the dastardly Shogun of Harlem Sho'Nuff (the late great Julius Carry) while trying to woo the lovely Laura Charles (Vanity) and reach the final level of martial arts excellence.


The madness of City Dragon starring MC Kung Fu! Yes a low budget hip-hop urban martial arts movie, the cult classic Miami Connection chronicles the adventures of a martial arts rock band that must battle a gang of motorcycle Ninjas who are controlling the Florida drug trade.

Furious stars the high kicking spin kicking Rhee brothers Simon and Philip, former Chuck Norris trainer Howard Jackson and the one and only Loren Avedon.

...and the Ninja madness of Sakura Killers, featuring Chuck Conners as The Colonel, Mike Kelly, George Nichols, Cara Casey, John Ladalski and the Taiwanes kung fu twins Jack Long and Mark Long in a movie that features martial arts, swordplay, ninja stars, ghost face ninjas and much more...

Sakura Killers Trailer:

...PLUS trailers before each movie and an as yet unannounced Top Secret film!

No confirmation yet if popcorn will be served with chopsticks on the night, one can but hope! Hmm maybe Impact should team up with the Prince Charles for a night of our kind of cinema, what do you reckon?

For further information and tickets log onto;

Prince Charles Martial arts movies

Written By

Mike Leeder

Far Eastern Editor

Mike Leeder

Based in Hong Kong since 1990, in addition to serving as Far Eastern Editor for Impact, and contributing to a variety of publications, Mike also works with several DVD companies acquiring films and creating bonus...

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