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At ‘Last’… Star Wars releases new ‘Jedi’ trailer…

The Last Jedi

Is this really the ‘Last’ of the Jedi? The next Star Wars film debuts in December and the one thing we CAN be sure of, today’s newly-minted trailer is only the start of the teasing campaign…

Whether it will meet expectations or not, the next Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, will obviously be one of the most anticipated movies of the year – debuting globally in December.

As part of this weekend’s Star Wars Celebration event, the powers-that-be have released our first real glimpse of the film… though the trailer gives very little away, it does have some of the key aerial photography shots that give a sense of scale and… is it just us… or does that long-shot of Rey practicing with a lightsaber on a barren mountainside somewhat evoke a similar ‘training’ shot in Highlander?

Queue you will do, eat popcorn you will… but for now, here’s the trailer to whet the appetite…

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