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Hollywood takes (Death) Note...

It looks as if the classic Japanese supernatural thriller Death Note may now be alive and kicking for a Stateside remake...

13 January 2011

Death Note, the story of a young man who finds a demon's notebook in which he can write anyone's name and choose the moment and method of their death, has proven a hit in both the orignal manga  (created by created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata) and  the more recent live action form... and now it seems that an inevitable US remake is finally on the cards.

Shane Black, writer of the orginal Lethal Weapon and  writer/director on the fun, self-aware, actioner Kiss Kiss Bang Bang will direct the film and oversee a scripting process by  newcomers Anthony Bagarozzi and Charles Mondry.   Explaining that he want to honour its manga origins,  Black told Deadline that:

"’s my favorite manga, I was just struck by its unique and brilliant sensibility. What we want to do is take it back to that manga, and make it closer to what is so complex and truthful about the spirituality of the story, versus taking the concept and trying to copy it as an American thriller.”

There is no news of any casting or start date for production as yet...

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