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Snake's not on a Plane

In the 1981 classic, Snake Plissken flew a plane into the prison city, then tried to Escape from New York with the President. But the remake is grounded...   

20 July 2011

He's pretty high-up there on the list of celluloid anti-heroes... Kurt Russell's Plissken personified the eye-patched, quick-talking, gun-shooting criminal co-opted for the rescue-mission at the heart of the action in John Carpenter's darkly comic 1981 original. For some time there's been talk of a remake with studio partners Lionsgate and Warner Bros. But Deadline reports their option on the property has been allowed to lapse, so any immediate plans are now firmly on hold.

A sequel was made with Carpenter back at the helm and Russell in the top role again  (Escape from LA) but the new film would have been a complete re-imagining from the ground-up.  Breck Eisner (The Crazies) was set to direct the film and there had been talks of the likes of Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker, The Avengers),  Gerard Butler (300) or Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises, Inception)  taking the lead.

It's possible the rights may be reaquired by another studio, or this could be another potential high-profile project put into turnaround and heading towards development hell...

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